There are many ways to ensure that you back up your data securely, read this article so you can make an informed decision and use the program that works best for you.
Data backup - Do you have a local backup and restore system?
Data backup is rarely part of the plans for a home or business IT administrator, we all say it won't happen to me or my company, but we are actually mentally preparing for the time lost by our data.
It's like trying to quit smoking, we all know we should do it but we will find all the excuses not to do it. So be honest with yourself and ask yourself this question, do you have a data backup plan, or more importantly, do you have a recovery plan that will protect your business in case something goes wrong? All business leaders and owners will now tell you that computers have become an integral part of our lives, but they are now a much needed item. We value the information that resides in our computer infrastructure which is the most valuable asset in any organization. I ask again, what would happen if you lost your data and what did you do to protect it?
The reasons for data loss are endless, human intervention, hardware failures, software failures, natural disaster, loss, theft, we can continue, but we can be sure of one thing, as time goes by the list will take longer and longer.
Have you ever stolen or lost anything before?
I have now been in the IT industry for 25 years, and as you can imagine, I have heard strange stories about how computers and services have been stolen. Laptops were stolen from the rear seats of the cars (lost data), a colleague forgot to leave his laptop on the roof of his car; The problem is that he saw it when he was 160 miles down the road (lost data). My friend's office was broken into twice in two nights, the first led to the loss of desktop computers and a completely discarded alarm system (some data loss), and the second night was taking over servers and storage device and media! Apparently the heavy items were stolen the second night as the thief had more time because the alarm was not repaired soon enough (complete data loss with the company ended trading in 8 months). Save money; prevent early data loss by using the data backup system.
Hardware Failure
If you have managed not to lose your laptop even if you have been robbed of all the IT infrastructure and done well, now let’s prepare for the hardware failure. There are only three parts of the machine inside a laptop, computer or server; 1) hard drive, 2) backup drive 3) CD or DVD. Hard drives fail and if not yet it will happen. Don't get me wrong, if you take a failed drive to a professional, they will probably get a lot of your details (phew) but expect to pay more than $ 5000 happily (not a phew). Save money; prevent early data loss by using the data backup system.
Fire or Disaster (natural or not).
I live in the UK, a beautiful place as we have no problems with forest fires, earthquakes, hurricanes etc. So there will be no major natural disaster that will wipe out most of the city. That's what I thought until the Bunsfield oil refinery blew everything within 3 miles. There are one million reasons and circumstances I can give you that show why you should keep your business data. We all know that the practice of storing data is nothing more than a good understanding. Mission data that is sensitive or sensitive that you do not want or cannot discard should be protected. PROTECT YOUR DATA! If you honestly think you don't need to back up your data because you'll never lose it, please stop reading this article now and do something less fun.
Let's talk about various ways to protect your data and other storage services. If you take the following on board you will be able to find a solution that will suit you or your company.
Backup is a CD solution.
Making your data by file on a CD is easy, it may take some time to do this every night and you will need to be punished for setting aside one hour to do this work every night. Storing data on a CD drive is not an automatic process and we all know people are busy. Once you have saved your information on the CD please always make sure that the information is on the CD and take it home. There is no reason to leave it stolen or destroyed by fire and your hardware.
Please do not make a backup CD (secure documents for a long time) because I did not expect this type of news to remain stable for more than two years.
Backing up a CD has many limitations but it's much better than not saving your data at all.
RAID - Not a backup but it will protect your server disks.
All servers should be given every chance of survival, using RAID configuration will help prevent data loss due to hard drive failure. If you have 3 drives running in RAID 5 configuration, your server will tolerate one drive failure. RAID will not protect you from fire, flood, theft or any other catastrophic disaster, but it does provide business continuity.
This solution does not usually protect you from theft as additional RAID storage hard drives are usually installed on your computer or other device on site. Usually it will not protect you from fire so this method has its limitations.
Protect Backup and Restore Using a third party organization.
Offsite Backup or Internet Backup is often associated with large business companies. In the past the high cost of high-speed connectivity was not allowed in small companies.
This data backup method is now fully accepted and gaining momentum worldwide. The main reason for such growth is that the price of h
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